“History, Aesthetics and Poetry within the Romantic Modernity: Washington Irving in the Alhambra”
The Patronato de la Alhambra y el Generalife will organize an International Symposium in which will be analyzed the significance of Washington Irving as a Romantic writer and his contribution to the worldwide dissemination of the Nasrid Complex. The International Symposium is entiteled Historia, estética y poética en la modernidad del Romanticismo: Washington Irving en la Alhambra (“History, Aesthetics and Poetry within the Romantic Modernity: Washington Irving in the Alhambra”). It will be held on February 18–20 in the Conference Hall of the Palace of Charles V.
Specialists from universities of the USA, Spain and the rest of Europe will analyze the impact of Aesthetics and Philosophy of Romantic History, Literature and Art in the formation of Modernity. With this in mind, Palace of Charles V was a figure of great importance, since he played an important role in the re-invention of History during the Romantic Modernity. This is due to the fact that the North American writer has brought together historical knowledge and artistic creation, as an advance of Modern imagination which will contribute to create a form of artistic assessment with great success in the future.
In the context of the mentioned heritage assessment of the Romantic mind within the Modern historiography, the “Alhambrism” has a special position because of its impact in the Contemporary artistic creation. Thereby, the philosophic and poetic ideas of Romanticism definitely get in contact with the main southern cultural traditions, what is the basis for the culture and artistic sensitivity of that moment.
Admission is free, but seating is limited. For application and detailed information, please e-mail to difusion.pag@juntadeandalucia.es. Application deadline is before February 16. You have to send the following information: First and last name, DNI (ID-Number), address (with city, province and zip code), phone number, occupation (students may specify the degree’s name of their studies), e-mail address.

La Alhambra, a look from Fernando Manso
THE GATE OF BIBARRAMBLA. Historical report of the monument and its rediscovery
The Council of Alhambra and Generalife will refund automatically the full amount of the bookings