La Alhambra con regla y compás: el trazado paso a paso de alicatados y yeserías (The Alhambra with a ruler and a compass: a step-by-step guide to drawing the tile and plasterwork patterns)
Martínez Vela, Manuel
- 1ª ed.– Alcalá la Real (Jaén) : Almizate ; Granada : Patronato de la Alhambra y Generalife, 2017.
- 214 p. : il. ; 22 x 24 cm.
- D.L. J 6-2017. –ISBN 978-84-946643-0-4
1. Islamic decoration and ornamentation.
This book aims to reveal the internal structure of many of the plasterwork and tilework patterns used to decorate the walls of the Alhambra. It also presents a method for drawing them following clear, simple instructions, with the exclusive aid of basic tools such as a ruler and a compass.
The contents are arranged in a sequence that follows the normal route taken by visitors to the monument, which means that it can also be used as a complement or alternative to traditional guide-books.
Bárbara Jiménez Serrano
Patricia Dabán Sánchez
Archive-Library of the Council of the Alhambra